Go to the registration page click here
Choose the type of membership (seller and buyer)
Complete your personal information
Choose the type of membership (seller and buyer)
Complete your personal information
Go to the registration page click here
Choose the type of membership (buyer)
Complete your personal information
Choose the type of membership (buyer)
Complete your personal information
Yes, it is necessary, MAZAADY site need the mobile number and e-mail information to ensure the credibility of the user and for ease and confirmation of the contact .
Yes, it is necessary in the event that the user is (seller) to determine the location of the product and shipping
Banking information is optional and is for the seller only to ensure the process of transferring the financial dues to the seller
Go to the profile page click here
Update the personal information that needs to be changed
Confirm the update process
Update the personal information that needs to be changed
Confirm the update process
When you register for the first time or modify your email address or mobile number, an activation link will be sent to the registered email
When you receive the email, you must click on the activation link to activate the account
If the link is not received, you have two options:
1- Re-send the activation link
2- Change the email address and re-request to send the activation link
When you receive the email, you must click on the activation link to activate the account
If the link is not received, you have two options:
1- Re-send the activation link
2- Change the email address and re-request to send the activation link