



المزاد يغلق في :


لم تقم بالمزايدة على هذا المنتح حتى الآن

قيمة المزايدة الحالية لهذة السلعة فرصة لا تفوتها

قيمة المزاودة الحالية


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اسم المزاود  

الموقع :   مصر / القليوبية / شبين القناطر

الكمية المتوفرة : 1 قطعة

كود المنتج :   5764975429

سعر الشراء الفوري

EGP (مصر) 5052500

القيمة الابتدائية للمزاد :   150000 EGP (مصر)

قيمة زيادة المزاد :   EGP (مصر) 1000

المزايدة المباشرة

الفئة : تحف فنية فاخرة وقديمة
ماركة :
مادة الصنع : غير محدد
العمر : 294
اللون : فضي
بلد المنشأ : مصر

الوصف :

Ah, the magnificent wheat ear spoon! A true golden treasure in the realm of heritage and culture! Let me tell you about this wondrous utensil that has captured the hearts of the Arab world for decades.


Picture this - it's the 1970s, and a delicate, elegantly crafted spoon begins making its way into homes across the region. But this wasn't just any ordinary spoon, oh no! It was a work of art, meticulously designed to resemble the very essence of life itself - an ear of wheat!


Can you imagine the excitement as these exquisite pieces graced the tables of Egyptian families? By 1983, they had become an integral part of nearly every household, a cherished heirloom passed down through generations. The Sunbulah spoon, as it's affectionately known, was more than just a utensil - it was a symbol of cultural pride and heritage.


But wait, there's more! These spoons weren't merely beautiful to behold; they were also crafted with a chemical composition so remarkable, so resilient, that they could withstand the test of time for over half a century without succumbing to rust! Incredible, isn't it?


So, my friends, let us raise our Sunbulah spoons high and celebrate this enduring emblem of Arab culture, a true golden treasure that has graced our tables and enriched our lives for generations upon generations. Its delicate beauty and unwavering durability are a testament to the ingenuity and artistry of our ancestors, reminding us to cherish our roots and embrace our rich heritage with open arms.

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